Our survey.

1. What is your relationship with WEmobility?

2. In your opinion, how important are the following issues to be integrated into WEmobility's CSR strategy?

Please indicate the corresponding number on the following scale:

1 not at all important, 2 not important, 3 important, 4 very important.

Health and safety of users
Activity-related energy consumption
Energy transition
Customer satisfaction
Health and safety at work
Risk assessment of corruption, anti-competitive behaviour and monopolistic practices
Investment in innovation
Job creation and retention
Social inclusion
Assessment of employment practices of suppliers
Economic performance
Effluents and waste
Market presence
Local community support
Purchasing practices
Responsible water management
Investment in infrastructure
Evaluation of employment practices among suppliers
Employability development
Impact of staff travel
Water management
Business ethics
Diversity and equal opportunities
Support for education
Respecting users' privacy
Accessing and maintaining public support

3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

Indicate the corresponding number on the following scale:

1 not at all important, 2 not important, 3 important, 4 very important.

The content of this report is easy to understand
The topics covered are relevant
WEmobility clearly communicates its CSR impacts, objectives and actions
The report is honest and transparent
The report takes into account the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders

4. Would you like to receive our next CSR publication by e-mail?

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If you would like to partner with us, or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.